It’s Time To Fix and Pivot

Gaps in your business may be a result of the Coronavirus pandemic or exposed by the changing market conditions, before you think about seeking new financing, you need to fix the underlying issues and problems you face. ​Sandhill Executives can help you fix your business and get you back on track. 
  • What is your burn rate? Do you have a rolling 13-week cash flow forecast and cash management plan?
  • Do you run your business to leverage your strengths? Does your firm have a laser focus on your key objectives?
  • Have you assessed your product lines, customers, vendors and staffing to ensure it fits your financial profile?
  • Are you equipped to negotiate in this new market with banks, lenders, trade vendors and government bodies to meet your needs?

Let Sandhill parachute in to help you build and execute your turn-around or recovery plan to survive and thrive post Covid-19

Let Sandhill help you create and execute your plan for long-term growth.

Email us at or
call us at (904)-608-6950 or (763)478-1777

Grow Your Business

Help build a plan and execute strategies that enable your business to grow

Prepare Your Business for Acquisition, Financing or Sale

Prepare you for institutional funding, recapitalizing your balance sheet, or preparing for an investment, sale, or acquisition.

Start your growth today


Business Development

Sandhill’s team specializes in helping companies unlock GROWTH.

Talent & Organization

Effective management of human capital is a critical factor in your company’s growth strategy.

Transformation Expertise

Extensive knowledge and experience in helping our clients build and execute platforms that streamline and simplify processes.

Mergers & Acquisitions, Preparing to Sell

The Sandhill team has the tools you need to prepare for a transition, either UP or OUT.